I was perusing my mother-in-law Joan’s Gedmatch results recently and noticed that she had a match with Barbara. This match is a little over 200 days old, so fairly recent. Here is Joan’s match with Barbara at Gedmatch:
Barbara also shows as a match to Joan at Ancestry and Ancestry suggest a common ancestor between the two:
My guess is that Joan and Barbara could share other common ancestors. However, this DNA match is important due to the lack of vital records for this part of Newfoundland. I already have a fairly extensive family trees of Upshalls who match by DNA:
The Newfoundland branch descends from Sarah Upshall. The George Upshall Line from Sarah is in the 4th and 5th columns. Here I add in Barbara without checking Ancestry’s genealogy:
Barbara is on the bottom left in green. I use green to indicate that detailed chromosome information is available for her.
DNA Painter
Because there is detailed information for Barbara’s match with Joan, I can use DNA Painter. This maps out Joan’s DNA. Here is some of the DNA that Barbara has added to Joan’s map:
Unfortunately, the program gave Peter Upshall a lighter color. It is better to have lighter colors for the more recent ancestors. However, I can adjust that in the program. At this point, Joan is 36% painted over all. That breaks down to:
- 28% paternal
- 44% maternal
Barbara matches on Joan’s maternal side. I’m pretty sure that Barbara added to the maternal and overall amount of DNA that Joan has identified on her map. Here is Joan’s Chromosome Map as shown by DNA Painter:
The top row for each chromosome is paternal and the bottom row is maternal.
More Painting: Aunt Esther
My mother-in-law’s Aunt Esther has this match with Barbara:
Right now Esther is 35% painted, but 53% painted on her paternal Upshall side:
I had already added Barbara to Esther’s DNA Map. Here she is on Chromosome 1:
Painter Joan’s Sister Elaine
Elaine has a more modest match with Barbara:
This adds a new set of ancestors for Elaine, going back to Peter Upshall born in 1800:
This raised Elaine’s maternally painted side from 30% to 31%.
Painting My Wife, Marie
I would have thought my wife would have had a bigger DNA match with Barbara based on her mother Joan’s match:
This match gives confimation that Karen is indeed matching on the Upshall side.
Summary and Conclusions
Barbara is another piece in the puzzle for confirming Upshall genealogy by DNA and was helpful in the DNA mapping of my wife’s family.