I originally was writing on my Hartley X-DNA, but the Blog morphed more into DNA and the Stuart Line.
X-DNA is somewhat of a compicated subject in that the X Chromosome is never passed down from father to son. I tried working on my wife’s French Canadian X-DNA and found that complicated also – mostly due to the inter-related gn:ealogy.
My Father’s Cousin Joyce
The only X-DNA match I have for Joyce is on her paternal side:
That is the side not related to me.
However, I notice that Joyce has a match with another of my father’s cousin who is Maury:
Actually, there are three matches. Let’s see who these represent.
The common ancestor between Maury and Joyce has to be their maternal grandparents. The DNA could have come from either James Hartley or Annie Louisa Snell (or a mixture of the two between the three segments).
Pink on pink is not the best color, but it will do for now. The match is from Gedmatch which is my only choice as I tested Joyce at Ancestry and Ancestry does not report X-DNA.
Here is another from one of my second cousins. Her X-DNA would go back to the same couple. Her grandmother was a Hartley so she would have received her X-DNA from either James Hartley or Annie Snell:
Beth’s match with Joyce adds some more Hartley and/or Snell X-DNA to right side of Joyce’s profile:
There is another 2nd cousin at Gedmatch, but that would only add more of the same.
My Sister Heidi and Likely Stuart DNA
Heidi matches Charlene at Gedmatch:
That is interesting as it should give a hint as to how they are related due to X-DNA inheritance patterns. In a 2019, I suggested this connection with Charlene, based on triangulation of X Chromosome matches:
Based on the above image, I suggested that the common ancestor was Margaret Stewart as there was no X-DNA passed down from Michael Frazer to his son Archibald. However, in a Blog I wrote earlier this year, I put Charlene on a different part of the Frazer Branch:
This change was based on ThruLines between Charlene and Joanna and the extensive genealogy work that Joanna has done on the Frazer family. At first, it is not clear how an X-DNA match could fit in here, but here is Joanna’s tree:
Joanna and Charlene descend from Archibald Frazer II, but they also descend from Anne Palmer. And Anne Palmer’s mother was a Stewart. Joanna further has this in her tree:
Joanna has that my ancestor Margaret Stewart was a daughter of Thomas Stewart. That means that assuming this scenario is right, the common ancestor between my sister Heidi and Charlene by X-DNA would be Thomas Stewart born in 1725.
Based on that, I will add Heidi’s match with Charlene to her DNA profile. This is what I have currently for Heidi on her X Chromosome:
Heidi has a paternal X match with Emily and several matches on her maternal X Chromosme. The match with Emily goes back to 1846 on the McMaster side. Frazer and hence Stewart are on the Frazer side. Here is the updated match:
Above, I have filtered for just the paternal matches. Here is the likely connection for the X-DNA matches:
My Cousin Paul and Stuart Genealogy
Here is how Paul matches Charlene:
Here is Paul mapped with Charlene on Chromosome 9:
Interestingly, Paul makes a connection to Charlene and BV similar to the one my sister Heidi makes on her X-DNA. I take that connection to go back to Thomas Stuart of 1725 and his wife. This identifies the BV, Sharon and Michele DNA as from along the Stuart Line also.
I had to look up Michele and found her on one of my DNA/Genealogy Charts:
Paul does not have X-DNA of interest to me because his father was a Frazer, so no Frazer X-DNA was passed down to him.
Paul’s Autosomal DNA
Here is what I have now for Paul:
I need to modify the top as this could also be Thomas Stuart and his wife. When I check Gedmatch, this is Paul’s match with Jonathan:
This was missed previously somehow. Perhaps different tests gave slightly different results. Here, I add Jonathan to Paul’s Chromosome 5:
Stuart and McPartland
I have long pondered the McPartland family and how they fit in with the Frazers. It appears that they have a connection with the Stuart family. I already showed how Charlene descends from the McPartland Line.
I don’t see Karen anymore at Gedmatch, but from a 2017 Blog I wrote, I see that my sister Heidi and Karen had this X-DNA match:
I have never added this information manually, but it’s not too late to learn:
Here I have added Karen and Chris (though they came out quite large):
Sharon and Charlene
From my 2017 Blog, I see I mentioned that my sister Sharon matches Charlene:
Here I have added Charlene to Sharon’s DNA profile using DNA Painter:
Here the DNA is ‘walked back’ from Paul and his McMaster ancestor, to Michele with Margaret Stewart ancestor (married to Michale Frazer) to Charlene who has an ancestor who was the sister of Margaret Stuart.
People Who Match Sharon and Karen
I used a comparison tool at Gedmatch:
Sharon and Karen
Sharon and Karen also match on Chromosome 9:
Adding this result to Chromosome 9 on Sharon’s profile is interesting:
Note that there is a break where Charlene’s match stops and Karen stops. That likely represents what I call a crossover. That crossover could be the difference between Thomas Stuart born 1725 and his wife. I don’t know which is which but I think one segment belongs to the husband Stuart and one to the wife.
Sharon and Brian
I was able to find the match between Brian and Sharon at Ancestry:
He shows having our common ancestors as Michael Frazer, but I no longer believe that to be correct. Brian should be in this box with Chris and Karen:
Sharon and Brian’s Shared Matches
The other interesting thing about Brian is that because he tested at Ancestry, he has shared matches with Sharon. One of those shared matches is also on the McPartland Line:
I hope this theory is right, because I have had many other theories about where the McPartlands fit in with my genealogy that have seemed to be wrong.
Patrice: Shared Match with Brian and Sharon
Ancestry has what I would call a wild guess as to how these two may connect:
This is where I had previously placed Patrice on my Frazer DNA/Genealogy Chart:
I think that my tree is the more correct one.
Jonathan and Jonathan
By my recollection, my brother Jonathan matches Frazer researcher Joanna’s brother:
By the Frazer Line these two would be fifth cousins twice removed. However, by the Stuart Line:
Also 5th cousins twice removed. However, I suppose that based on the genealogy, there was twice as much chance that the two Jonathans would match each other at this distant relationship.
Here, I have mapped Joanna’s brother onto my brother’s DNA profile:
In the key I have noted that the match could be Frazer, Fitzgerald or Stuart. It could also be from the unknown wife of Thomas Stuart. Or, the match could even be from another unknown line. However, I am sticking to what I think I know. It may be possible to know where that match comeps from if there were more overlapping matches. Paul’s match overlaps, but he also descends from McMaster and Frazer. If there was an overlap that was just McMaster, I would say the Jonathan DNA would be Stuart. If the and overlap was with someone with just Frazer ancetry, I would say the common ancestor DNA would be Frazer/Fitzgerald.
The Two Jonathans’ Shared Matches
Here is the shared list at Gedmatch:
I am interested in Bonnie as I know of her. Although she shows as a match at Gedmatch, she does not show as a match at Ancestry.
Bonnie also has Stewart and Frazer ancestry:
That means that any match that my family has with her could equally be on the Frazer side or Stuart side.
Bonnie shows as a 4th cousin once removed to my family. DNA matching with Bonnie could be from either the Frazer side or Stuart side. Here is my brother’s match with Bonnie:
Here is Bonnie’s Frazer or Stuart DNA added to my brother Jon’s DNA profile:
Paul and Jonathan’s Shared Matches
Here is what they look like at Gedmatch:
One name that caught my eye is Gail.
Gail is in one of the boxes with a different color. Gail’s line goes through Archibald born about 1792 who married Anne Palmer. That puts her in the category of one who could be related on the Frazer side or the Stuart side. Here is how she matches Paul:
This match fills in a gap in Paul’s DNA profile on Chromosome 12:
There are no overlapping matches in that area, so this may represent Frazer, Fitzgerald, Stuart or wife of Stuart DNA.
Paul and Joanna
Joanna is a good choice as she has shared her Ancestry results with me.
Here I see Gail again, and I recognize Bob:
Bob is one of those matches that has a chance of matching Paul doubly.
Here I add Bob in one of the places where he and Paul could match on the Stuart Line:
Also I recognize kimac who my notes say is Rodney on my tree: and a brother to Gail. He will map with Gail, but I will add him.
Summary and Conclusions
- I started out looking at my family’s Hartley X-DNA connections
- This quickly lead to my Frazer side as X-DNA stops at my father’s father.
- However, it occurs to me that if I looked at my father’s two cousins’ X-DNA results, it may result in something as their mothers were Hartleys and the X-DNA would continue on.
- This Blog continues to enforce the fact that I have Stuart ancestors. Those ancestors are on my Frazer side who were ancestors of my McMaster ancestors.
- There is still room for more research on Hartley X-DNA and Stuart DNA and genealogy.