I have known Kim for quite a while. We both lived in Lexington, Massachusetts at the same time for a while and we both attended the same Church in Acushnet years ago. I recently posted a photo of the Mayflower leaving New Bedford Harbor and she told me that she descended from two of the Pilgrims, so I thought that I would look at that connection in this Blog.
My Cooke Connection with Kim
Kim says she has a connection to Pilgrim Francis Cooke through two of his daughters. Kim also gave me access to her Ancestry tree:
If I count correctly, Francis Cooke is Kim’s 10th great-grandparent. When I check my tree, Francis is also my 10th great-grandparent. I think that means that Kim and I are 11th cousins on this line. Here is my top-down look:
I can tell already that things may get complicated. I descend from John Cooke who married Sarah Warren. Kim tells me she descends from the Warren Pilgrim line also. Kim descends from Mary Cooke who was born about 20 years after John. John was probably born in Leyden and Mary saw her first light in Plymouth. I see in my Mayflower Families Book on the Cooke family that John had a falling out with the Pilgrims on theological issues and ended up in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. This seemed to be an area of Massachusetts where dissenters ended up. Mary appears to have lived in Barnstable for a while where her husband John Thompson served in public office and she died in Middleborough.
The Next Cooke Generation
I’m going about this backwards as genealogy should properly go from the present to the past:
My ancestor Sarah Cooke married Arthur Hathaway and probably died in Dartmouth. Kim’s ancestor married Thomas Swift in Weymouth.
Speeding Up the Process
I had some problems getting all the ancestors onto an Excel Spreadsheet, but here is Kim’s side:
Kim’s line went west from New York to Ohio to Oregon. Here is my side:
My ancestors all stayed in the same general area. Plus I’m off a generation from Kim. That means we must be 11th cousins once removed.
Kim’s Richard Warren Connection
Kim’s connection to Richard Warren is through the wife of Thomas Swift above. Her name was Rachel Stockbridge:
On my side, I descend from Joseph Warren in my most direct path, but I also descend from Mary Warren his sister more than once. Then I already mentioned Sarah Warren above:
Here I color coded Kim’s line in orange. Here is the next generation:
My ancestors were all born in Plymouth. Kim’s ancestor Hannah was born in nearby Marshfield. Here is the next generation:
This is taking more work than our Cooke Tree. In the next generation, I add another branch:
Actually, I added two branches because I missed Joseph Bartlett back in 1639. Now I can say I’m related 6 ways to Richard Warren. I’ve got to get all of these ancestors down to Hannah Bradford. She is my second great grandmother who has all the Pilgrim ancestors. Next I’ll add what we had from the Cooke analysis above:
On the Warren side, Kim and I are 12th cousins. So we are 1/2 generation further out than on the Cooke line.
Here is the Warren Tree filled out:
This shows I have these relationships to Kim on the Warren line:
- Once a 10th cousin twice removed
- Three times an 11th cousin once removed
- Two times a 12th cousin
Looking for Kim’s Other Cooke Ancestor
Kim told me she descended from two daughters of Francis Cooke. Kim’s other Cooke ancestor was Jane Cooke:
These two were born 22 years apart. I take it that her mom, Hester Mahieu was a robust woman and made it through many difficulties.
A Question of Genealogy
So far, I haven’t looked into any of the genealogy. The Mayflower Families Book on Francis Cooke brings Kim’s Jane Cooke line into question. Kim’s tree has Jacob Mitchell as the daughter of Jane Cooke. The Mayflower Book shows that Jane had Elizabeth, Thomas and Mary with Experience Mitchell. However, at some point, Jane dies and Experience Mitchell marries Mary. Mary’s last name is unknown as is her marriage date and Jane’s death date. So things are quite uncertain. The reason for assigning the last five children to Experience and Mary Mitchell is that there is a gap between Experience’s first three children and the last five.
Here is where Francis Cooke lived:
This is in the center of current day Plymouth. Here is what it looks like today:
The Cooke property was probably near the present-day Court House Museum which is the white building in the photo above.
Here is a map of where Richard Warren lived closer to the Harbor:
- I’m related to Kim 6 ways on the Richard Warren Line
- I’m related to Kim 1 way on the Francis Cooke Pilgrim Line. Kim had another potential Cooke ancestor, but that ancestor has not been verified.
- I showed where Francis Cooke and Richard Warren lived on Leydon Street
- Francis Cooke and Richard Warren must have known each other. Also their children who Kim and I descended from must have known each other and probably down to the next generation. At some point I’m sure they lost touch.
- I’m sure I have these Pilgrim connections going back 400 years with other people that I know who live in the area. Kim was more of a surprise as she did not grow up in Plymouth County.