I had heard not too long ago that MyHeritage had developed some new Theories of Relativity. These are DNA matches where MyHeritage thinks there is a likelihood that the genealogies also match up. I thought that I would write a Blog while this ‘new’ designation was still new, but it took me a bit longer than expected to write this Blog.
My Wife’s Aunt Elaine
I’ll start with Aunt Elaine.
The New part doesn’t jump out, but it is there.
The Theory has Elaine and Isabel as 1/2 third cousins. I’ll check my Ancestry Tree to see if this makes sense. It doesn’t:
I have Abraham’s father as John Rayner. I had this tree in an earlier Blog on my mother-in-law Joan:
Unfortunately, I missed one of Isabel’s ancestors where the red arrow is. Elaine is Joan’s sister. I assume that makes Elaine and Isabel full fourth cousins. I suppose there could be another connection or connections. Here is a corrected tree:
Adding Isobel to DNAPainter
Here is the new Rayner/Watson DNA added to Elaine’s tree
Here is the same graphic for Elaine’s sister Joan who had fewer matches with Isabel:
This match gets Joan up to 41% painted overall from 40% previously.
Elaine and Mervyn
MyHeritage has this for Theory 1:
I can’t figure out how MyHeritage got this connection. Their Theory 2 and three match what Ancetry has:
The next connection is to Dicks also, but a generation further back from MyHeritage’s Theory 1:
I’ll assume that Mervyn’s connection is on the Upshall side. I’ve already added Mervyn to Joan’s DNAPainter Map. I’ll add Mervyn to Elaine’s map:
Mervyn doesn’t overlap with Barbara, but doesn’t conflict with other more recent Upshall matches.
Elaine and Leslie on the Reinhold Line
Next, I need to verify this connection. I see that Leslie appears on Elaine’s ThruLines at Ancestry:
I’ll assume that Leslie’s genealogy is right.
This match gets Elaine up to 28% painted overall from 27%.
Mapping Leslie to Joan’s Map
This gets Joan up another percent to 42% painted overall. Leslie adds some important DNA to Elaine and Joan’s maternal side:
A Reinhold Tree
I’m surprised that I haven’t built a Reinhold DNA/Genealogy Tree. I’ll do that now. In order to do it right, I’ll try building out Leslie’s tree. Here is a birth record for Leslie’s grandfather Leslie:
I got this far with a fast tree, and it seems OK:
Other Ancestry trees has Lydia’s husband as Frederick John Rhynold born 1792. Here is my Rhynold Tree:
I will expect more additions over time.
Back to the Upshall Family with Betty
I would like to check this Theory. There are a few ways to do this. The best way is to build a tree for Betty back to the commn ancestors. Or I could build my tree down to Betty. Or I could check Ancestry ThruLines. I’ll start with the ThruLines as they are easiest:
Elaine has 4 matches with descendants of Alexander Upshall, so that is a good sign. Here is a late addition for Theodore from 1951:
It turns out I already had Theodore in my family tree.
Betty adds some Upshall/Dicks DNA to Elaine’s Chromosome 6 and confirms some matches on Chromosome 11.
Adding Betty’s DNA to Joan’s DNA Map
Betty’s match is similar in that it adds some DNA to Chromosome 6 and confirms other Upshall/Dicks DNA matches.
Joanne on Elaine’s Paternal Side
This relationship is supported by Thrulines at Ancestry:
Adding Joanne to DNAPainter
This added a new ancestral couple for Elaine and segments on Chromosomes 1, 4, and 12.
The next logical step is to add Joanne to Joan’s DNAPainter profile:
Joanne’s match gets Joan up another percent to 43% painted overall. This is what 43% looks like for Joan:
Edna on the Dicks Line
It took me a while to figure this one out:
Edna also has a Theory 2 with Christopher Dicks who was the father of this Christopher Dicks:
I haven’t been keeping up with my Dicks DNA Project and had Edna already but as per Theory 2:
Here I’ve added in Edna again:
Finally, I’ll add Edna to Joan’s DNAPainter profile. I turns out I had mapped Edna to the elder Christopher. She would be better mapped to the younger Christopher DIcks. I think I can fix that in this screen:
I searched for Edna on Elaine’s match list but could not find her.
Time to Start a Newcombe Tree
However, Alicia and JP are at Ancestry and I see this for JP at Ancestry:
For some reasons, MyHeritage did not pick up these other connections. I’ll go ahead and map Alicia as Newcombe:
Alicia’s results are very similar to Joanne’s. When I look at the shared matches at MyHeritage, I see that Joanne is Alicia’s mother. That makes sense based on the results. Of course, that means that JP is Joanne.
Elaine and Diann
Diann has a Theory with Elaine on the headachey Dicks side:
This looks good on the surface, but I don’t have Susan so far on my DNA tree and I don’t see a Susan on the Ancestry ThruLines:
Diann would add new DNA to Elaine’s map, so this would be an interesting connection to track down in the future.
Jacqueline Shows a MacArthur Theory with Elaine
Are these charts faded-looking because they are Theories? My shortcut check for Jacqueline’s tree is by using Ancestry’s ThruLines. ThrulLines shows that Elaine has 155 DNA matches on the MacArthur Line, but 51 of those are on the marion MacArthur Line. Elaine has 20 matches on the Ellen Line.
I see that Jacqueline is actually on the ThruLines:
The ThruLines don’t prove the connection, but strongly suggest it to be right. Next, I’ll compare the DNA with other MacArthur matches:
MG is Jacqueline’s mother. Robert is also a theory with Elaine, but he is MG’s son, so would add no new DNA.
Elaine and Josh Have Three Theories
I am leaning toward this one:
The Harriet Rayner Line is well-represented by ThruLines:
I’ll add Josh to Elaine’s DNAPainter Profile:
It looks like there is a possible crossover between Josh and Josheph. That could mean a few things. One possibility is that Elaine’s match with Josh is on the Simmons side. That would be one explaination of why one match ends where the other starts.
Josh and Joan
These two match on Chromosome 4:
I had already added Josh to Joan’s profile, but I had the match from the older Hopgood/Yeo. I’ll erase this match and keep the one I just added.
David and Joan
While I’m on Joan, I’ll look at this Theory:
The good thing about this Theory is that there are not other proposed theories. Ancestry’s ThruLines gets down to David’s grandmother Evelyn:
I would say that is evidence enough for my purposes of mapping David to Joan’s profile:
It appears that I have already mapped David. When I check more on the earlier David, I see this:
I don’t know why David would have had more matches earlier and why they were mapped to MacArthur.
I tried to see if Elaine had a Theory with David, but I didn’t see one.
Joan and Margaret’s Theory on the Ellis Side
Ancestry’s ThruLines get down to John England:
Margaret adds to the confusion on Chromosome 2:
I could not find this match for Elaine.
Elaine and Ron on the Rainer Side
I have found this Theory to be wrong before. Ron is the son of Isabel who I have mapped already, so I’ll skip Ron.
Elaine and Randy
He is also at Ancestry:
I have already mapped his father, so I don’t need to map Randy. I should be getting to the end of the new Theories. The smaller match Theories are often not as important as the bigger DNA matches.
Elaine and Rachel
Here is an interesting Threory:
A fifth cousin is pretty distant. I looked to see if there were any Ancestry ThruLines and there were not, so I will put this Theory on hold. So that covers it for ‘new’ Theories for Elaine. There were others that I didn’t discuss as the genealogy didn’t look right. There is perhaps another connection than the one suggested.
Joan and Wendy
These next Theories should apply to Joan only as I am done with her sister Elaine:
This relationship appers to be supported by ThruLines:
In fact, Alicia is mentioned above in this Blog. Wendy looks to be a 2nd cousin once removed to Alicia. I already have Wendy in Joan’s DNA map:
I’ll need to sort out Joan’s Paternal Chromosome 2 at some point as it is quite a mess:
Summary and Conclusions
- By now, the ‘;new’ designation is going away, so I was right in trying to look at these before that happened.
- I assume that Ancestry has the largest DNA database. Because of that it is worthwhile to get a second opinion from Ancestry’s ThruLines, to see if these Theories make sense.
- I was able to add to Joan and Elaine’s maps as to where they got their DNA from
- There was some conflicting information such as in the paternal Chromosome 2 above. This is due to intermarriage, or incorrect genealogies or both.
- The first Theories were the best. The Theories at the bottom of the less were less reliable and/or less helpful
- MyHeritage has a good combination of genealogical trees and DNA matches with detailed DNA information (unlike Ancestry). This makes them ideal for use with the DNAPainter Program
- Joan is now at 43% painted overall and Elaine is at 30%