Recent Common Ancestor Matches at Ancestry Part 2

I had good luck with my Part 1 Blog, so I will continue.


Joyce is my father’s 1st cousin, so a good candidate for common ancestor matches. I will use two filters for maternal (Hartley side) and common ancestors. Then I will sort by most recent:

None of Joyce’s matches in this category are very new. However, I will take a look.


I recently did an update on my Bearse ancestry. As all of Thomas’ ancestors are in white, that means that Thomas has been added to my Ancestry Tree.


Catherine is the daughter of Lauri who also tested at Ancestry. I am surprised that I do not see these two on the DNA Tree for my great-grandparents:

Robert is the youngest, so he should be on the right. In addition, my great-grandparents had no son named John. I see that John is the son of Robert, so I will fix this.

I believe that the pinkish color means that Simone tested at 23andMe. Robert was born 20 years after my grandfather. Here is a photo of Robert:

Lori and Martin

Lori’s common ancestor shows as a paternal match to Joyce though the DNA says maternal, so I will ignore that one. Here is the suggested connection for Martin:

This is an old connection and will be difficult to substantiate. However, it is interesting as my immigrant ancestor, Greenwood PIlling apparently got his name from Mary Pilling’s father who was Greenwood PIlling.

Here is what I have on my Pilling Web Page:

If I have it right, Greenwood died tragically at the age of 23. I do show a son John.

I’ll add Martin to my Ancestry Tree as a floating tree.  Martin’s tree goes back to his Crabtree grandmother:

Martin’s father and grandparents were in Great Harwood in 1939:

However, I have ancestors from both Bacup nd Colne.

In 1901, the family is in Blackburn, but father James Crabtree was born in Bury (or possibly Burnely?). Other Census reports appear to confirm that it was Bury.

Here is a marriage record:

The marriage takes place in Haslingden:

They are perhaps older than average when marrying.

James’ father is listed as James, but this is crossed out and John is written in.

Here is James in 1891 at 330 Manchester Road which correlates exactly with his marriage record. This is where my research deviates with Anestry. James’ mother appears to be Esther, not Margaret. However, John is born in Colne which is interesting. I have also considered the Crabtree name as a possible ancestor in the past.

The family is in Salford in 1871:

The family is in North Bury in 1861:

Here are two records from one of my favorite web sites:

The best choice is the 1859 marriage. Note that it takes place in Bury and that John’s father is Joseph, the name of John’s first child.  This puts the couples’ birth at about 1834. This appears to be John’s baptismal record at a Wesleyan Church:

Here is the family in 1841 on Parilament Street in Colne:

The 1851 Census shows that all three were born in Colne:

Here is a marriage record:

This is likely the birth record for Joseph:

Here is Shawhead:

This is also interesting as some of my other DNA inspired genealogical research has lead me to this area.

Here are some likely parents:

Here is the likely family:

Unfortunately, I do not know where Heaton is. This may be Richard Crabtree:

Summary and Conclusions

  • One of the relatively recent Common Matches for Joyce lead me to cleaining up my Hartley/Snell DNA Tree
  • Another match purported to lead to my Pilling Line, but seemed to follow a Crabtree line to the area where my ancestors lived in Colne Parish, Lancashire
  • The Crabtree name has come up before and the area to the North of Colne (Foulridge) has come up. This could be coincidence, or I could be on to something. It is difficult to tell right now.


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