In part one of my Blog, I did some genealogy on the early Bearse family of Barnstable, Massachusetts and went through Joyce’s first Bearse ThruLine.
My father’s first cousin Joyce and I descend from Olive Bearse. I did the ThruLine of Thomas in my previous Blog, now I’ll look at Beverly.
Is There a Bearse Connection Between Joyce and Beverly?
Beverly’s Ancestry Tree is confusing compared to her ThruLine:
Beverly’s Tree has her father as George Toner which does not make sense. However, the two trees agree on Beverly’s paternal grandmother who is Martha L Brown. Here is the 1880 Census for the Village of Hyannis:
I just need to get more information on Adaline. Her death record has more information:
Most people render Amasa as Amaziah. However, there are numerous renderings of his name:
I see a marriage record for the couple:
The vital records for the are seem to be thorough.
Amasa is listed at the bottom of the death records page for Barnstable for 1867:
However, no date is given.
His parents are Isaiah and Rachel:
So far, I have two more generations of Bearses than Beverly had for her tree:
This, apparently, is Isaiah, who died a widower. His age is given, but some other information is missing:
This puts his birth at about 1774 as he died at age 70 in 1844. However, Ancestry interprets his death to be in 1843. has his burial in the Universalist Cemetery:
Isaiah to Enoch
I need to evaluate the suggestion that agrees with the ThruLines suggestion. I have the advantage of checking from either side. I found a wife for Enoch:
They married in Barnstable.
I did find an interesting Will from Hannah Bearse spinster dated 1772. She mentions her two sisters Dinah and Mary Bearse. Also:
This suggests to me that Hannah is a sister of John Bearse. That would mean that those listed are most likely children of John Bearse. I also see that the names match up with Jocye’s ThruLines:
Joyce (and I) descend from Olive. My previous Blog looked at the Gershom Bearse connection. This Blog is looking at the Enoch connection. Martha and Rebecca mentioned in the will represent 8 additional ThruLines for Joyce. All this is interesting but it does not prove the relationship between Enoch and Isaiah.
I did find this reference:
This was from a 2020 edition of Mayflower Descendants. This Timothy has a son Enoch who dies in New Bedford at age 70 in 1873. I see a Lucy baptized? in 1794:
This appears to be Enoch’s death record:
This appears to be the Will for Enoch:
I read a lot concerning the papers of Enoch Bearse and it appears that he owed more than he had at the time of his death. Here is the dow. section:
Widow Elizabeth is mentioned. At this point, I’m ready to take the Geneanet reference:
Here I have added in the Enoch Line to my tree:
This probably makes the best sense, but I don’t know enough about the Bearse family to know that. I wish that I had more records between Enoch and Isaiah.
Bearse DNA Tree
This new tree adds Beverly’s Line:
Summary and Conclusions
- I looked at the Thruline between Beverly and Joyce going back to John Bearse and Lumbert
- The connection between Enoch and Isaiah lacked clear documentation, but seems likely
- Unfortunately, Enoch died without leaving an estate larger than his debts, so children were not mentioned in his legal papers
- Circumstantial evidence links Enoch and Isaiah and I saw no evidence that would contradict their relationship.
- There are still some Bearse ThruLines to explore