I have been looking at the ThruLines of Joyce who is my late father’s first cousin. While doing this, I have become more acquainted with some of my ancestors lines through the DNA of matching descendants.
Here are Joyce’s Bearse ThruLines:
I have that Joyce descends from Olive Bearse. Olive’s siblings in white are already in my Ancestry Tree. Then Joyce has 8 potential matches for siblings of Olive that are not in my tree.
Bearse Genealogy
The genealogy for this family goes back to 1888 with the Amos Otis Papers:
I descend from Joseph.
I descend from VI John., born in 1687.
I descend from John and Lydia Lumbert. If John married in 1746, he could have been born around 1720 or so.
John Bearse, born around 1720 and Lydia Lumbert are the ancestors that Joyces’ ThruLines descend from.
Joyce and Thomas
Interestingly, Joyce and Thomas have a shared match with Judith who is on the Martha Bearse ThruLines. So that is hopeful. Martha Bearse was not on my Ancestry Tree. That tells me that if Thomas connects, then it would make sense that Judith could also connect, but we’ll see.
Horace was born in Lincoln, Massachusetts and his mother checks out:
Georgiana was born in Boston. Her father Austin was a real estate agent:
Here is the record from findagrave.com for Austin Bearse:
Here is what I have so far:
I need to confirm the Eleazer H Bearse to Gershom Bearse connection. Gershom marries Prudence Hatch in 1771 according to the Falmouth records:
I see this hint an a history of Barnstable County;
From this account, I take it that Eleazer had a daughter named Martha A and that Eleazoer was the son of Gershom Bearse.
I see this in the Barnstable Town records:
I did find a marriage record between Gideon Hallet and Martha A Bearse.
A First Bearse DNA Tree
Here is a vertical view of my Ancestry Tree showing where I spliced in the new descendants of the Gershom Bearse Line:
I am happy to end the Blog here, but will likely continue with other Bearse ThruLines in a subsequent Blog.
Summary and Conclusions
- I learned much about the Bearse family
- I am amazed at how early Austin or Augustine Bearse came to Barnstable. This was 1639 according to his biography. That is not many years shy of 400 years ago.
- The Hatch family name comes up in many of these families. In fact the name Prudence Hatch comes up in my ancestry and that of Thomas.
- Austin Bearse born 1808 in Thomas’ line was an abolitionist