In my previous Blog on the subject, there had been a new Hartley/Channon BigY test taken and completed, but the Branch result had not yet come out. I had made some predictions for fun to see how closely FTDNA’s final resultsĀ would match what I had.
Hartley Block Tree at FTDNA
Above, I have highlighted the Hartley Haplogroups inside a red box. The umbrella Hartley Haplogroup as I have it is A11134. The original Channon tester was in that group until very recently. Now we have Ethan, John, and Steve in that group. My group is FY225247. I am in the lower left of the Block Tree with my brother Jim. Next is A16717. This is a branch of Hartleys who moved to Pennsylvania around the year 1700 ostensibly to get away fromĀ persecution in England as they were Quakers. Finally there is the brand new Haplogroup of FTE2655.
I believe that the date of A11132 goes back before the time of common surname usage. That means that Hartley and Mawdsley had the same ancestor but both branched off with different surnames before the time of surname usage. A11138 is certainly much older than when surnames were used. Smith is in that Haplogroup.
The Next Big Thing
The next thing to look forward to is an updated Time Tree. Here is the Match Time Tree which is not yet updated:
Oddly, Channon is not on the match list – perhaps due to the recent update.
- A11138 appears to be a little before the year 500.
- A11132 a little before the year 1200.
- A11134 alittle before the year 1500
- A16717 a little after the year 1500.
- FT225247 should represent my father who was born in 1918
Hovering over the Haplogroups gives a more exact estimate. The exact estimates are:
- 479
- 1174
- 1471
- 1684
- 1916
I am interested in seeing how the new Channon Branch changes the current Time Tree.
Here was my prediction for the new Hartley/Channon Branch:
I had predicted three SNPs in the new Branch. However, none of my predictions were FTE2655.
Here is FTE2544 at YBrowse;
I see, YBrowse has FTE2655 at the same location as Y16496. I did have that one.
I noted in m:y previous Blog that both Channon testers were positive for Y16496. However, now their Branch is called FTE2655:
Note the difference in that FTE2655 has a mutation of G to T where Y16496 has the mutation of G to A. My guess is that FTDNA wrongly reported the Channon testers as positive for Y16496. The manual review apparently caught the error and it was corrected. Here is a screen shot for the new Channon tester from my previous Blog:
See the mutation was from G to T for Y16496. However, that should have been the mutation for FTE2655.
Y364187 and FGC7804
I had predicted Y364187 which agrees with FTDNA. But I also predicted FGC7804. Here is FGC7804 at YBrowse:
This SNP was found by Full Genomes Corp in 2013. I also mentioned this SNP in a previous Blog I wrote for the first Channon’s BigY results. I cannot explain why FGC7804 is not one of Channon’s listed SNPs. I could write FTDNA and may get an answer. My guess is that the SNP is in some sort of ambiguous region.
Summary and Conclusions
- At first at looked like my predictions for the new Channon/Hartley Branch were off. However, at second look it was based on an incorrect initial classification by FTDNA. This was apparently corrected in a subsequent manual review.
- A second SNP I had predicted agreed with the FTDNA desidgnation
- A third SNP that I had predicted did not appear on the FTDNA Channon Branch. I would have to write to FTDNA to find out why that was not included.
- I am happy to see the new Branch of Hartleys and would be interested to see if the results make any changes to the existing Time Tree for the Harltey SNPs.