I recently signed up for Pro Tools at Ancestry. The only Pro Tool I have used so far is the enhanced Shared Matches. One Quarter of my ancestry is Frazer. Then that goes back to Clarke and McMaster, so I’d like to take a look at what I have.
Here is my grandmother’s tree so far:
I’m stuck more on the Clark side.
Frazer Enhanced Matches
I’ll start here as it should be simpler than the Clarke side:
Many of these matches are from FTDNA, MyHeritage and 23andMe. Enhanced matches are just from Ancestry. It appears that my Ancestry DNA Frazer matches are at the third cousin level. However, that should include McMaster also technically as the common ancestors for this group are George William Frazer and Margaret McMaster.
One way to see my maches are through ThruLines:
I do have one match at the 2nd cousin level. That is Mabel. Interestingly, I match Faye, my third cousin with more DNA. Here is Mabel and my shared match list:
These are the first five after my niece:
- Matthew – on my chart
- Rebecca – on my chart
- Stephen – need to add
- Faye – on my chart
- B.V. – older match
Actually, I need to add Mabel. She is the sister of Raymond and Emily:
After adding Mabel, I realized that she and Emily are the same person!
Adding Stephen
I had a note already that Stephen was related to Whitney. When I choose Stephen’s Shared matches with me, I see this:
Whitney is Stephen’s Niece:
Here I have added him to my Frazer DNA/Genealogy Chart. Stephen must be Lisa’s brother and my third cousin. I made a note at Ancestry to that effect.
Here is how BV is related:
The relationship is on the McMaster side. However, William McMaster married a Frazer. This Frazer is quite distantly related to me.
The next 5 on Mabel and my match list could be more difficult:
I know how I am related to Gladys:
Our common ancestors were James Frazer and Violet Frazer. i believe that they were first cousins. I don’t think I have the other four on the list. However, I have noted previously that they all match Gladys.
Where is Lisa on My Chart?
Next I choose Lisa on my shared match list. I look on the right to see her highest shared match:
Fortunately, that match is with Linda and I have a shared ancestor with her. Ancestry guesses that Lisa is a 1st cousin once removed to Linda.
I don’t know exactly where Lisa fits in, but my guess is around here:
Lisa probably descends from James Clarence Frazer.
When I look at Spen, she is likely from the same branch as Lisa.
I get two hints for Kathryn:
Kathryn is either first cousin or haf niece to SM and Linda. I see that SM is not on my chart, so I will add her as a daughter of Clarence Frazer:
Finally, I have John on my list. John is most closely related to Brad:
However, the blue dot by Brad means that I haven’t even looked at his results.
John’s second largest match is with Matthew:
Matthew is my 3rd cousin:
John has no family tree, but his results are managed by Dawn. Dawn has this tree with her husband in it. This is her husbands part of the tree:
John’s maternal grandfather was my great-grandfather’s brother. That means that I can at least add John to my tree:
John would be my 2nd cousin once removed. I need to write to Dawn to find out if the John who took the test was her husband. It looks like from my notes that I did write two years ago, but didn’t hear back. It is helpful to have John on the Chart above as it reminds me who he is when the Ancestry match comes up.
Continuing with Mabel
Now I have only three because this is the end of page one of three of shared matches between myself and Mabel. As I side note, I could do this with my four other siblings who have tested at Ancestry and I would get different results and in different order. I don’t know about Alannah, but Matthew and Jan are on my chart.
Here is Alannah’s tree:
The Johnston name comes up a lot in my research, so that could be the link. Alannah’s highest shared match is with BV mentioned above. That match is only 47 cM. My guess is that the connection is quite old – as in the 1700’s.
Here are the first two matches on Page 2 of Mabel and my shared matches. I know where keith fits in on my McMaster side. I am not familiar with Lila. Lila’s tree shows some ancestors that came from Ireland and went to Ontario. I found a first and a second cousin to Lila, but their trees were not useful.
Five More on Page 2
I’m still interested in the list, so will keep going:
All these shared matches have some sort of tree. There is one match that I have not looked at named KS.
Morgan is and estimated 1st cousin once removed with Keith. I see that he is already on my chart.
Morgan should show up on my ThruLines, but perhaps I haven’t kept up at Ancestry with my McMaster side. Also Morgan does not have a linked tree, so we would not show on ThruLines because of that.
Mary is the sister of Lila. Mary and Lila are still a bit of a mystery.
Here is KS’ tree:
A lot of these names have come up in my DNA matches, but they have stumped me so far. KS’ largest DNA match is with Mabel.
His match seems to go back to the 1700’s in Ireland on my Mcmaster or Frazer side or both.
n.f. is most closely related to Matthew.
That means that he must descend from Hubert Frazer.
Looking at the Clarkes
Here is my closest Clarke descendant match at Ancestry:
Ronald is also related to me on my McMaster side, but more distantly, so that creates some potential difficulties.
Above are the top six shared matches I have with Ron.
Cheryl has no tree. However, she shows as a first cousin once removed to Kyle who has this tree:
There is the Lougheed name again. They are from County Sligo where my McMaster and Clarke ancestors lived. Frazers lived there also, but earlier, they were in North Roscommon. My guess is that Cheryl also has Lougheed ancestry.
Another unusual thing about Cheryl is that I have 13 pages of shared matches with her. I didn’t check every match but every match she had with a good tree had a Lougheed in it. One theory, based on the number of Lougheed matches is that Lougheed is the mother of Jane Spratt:
However, this match is still a mystery until I can work out the genealogy.
Nina – A Spratt Connection?
L.R. is Shani’s child, so I will move on to Nina. Here is Nina’s tree:
I think that Spratt is a relatively uncommon name. The connection must be on the Spratt side. Nina has a large match with Ed:
Deb also has a good match with a better tree:
Deb’s paternal side:
Here it is clear that Deb is in fact a half niece as Wray Lionel must have had two marriages.
Craig also has an interesting match to Nina:
That means that Ancsetry is right is saying that Craig is Nina’s 2nd cousin once removed:
Notice that there are no Lougheed ancestors. Ancestry thinks that Nina and I could be third cousins once removed. Assuming that is right, our common ancestors could be:
1775 seems a long time ago, but third cousin once removed does not seem like that distant of a relationship. However, I would not be surprised if the connection is at least a generation back. I have three out of found sibllings at Ancestry that showed shared matches with Nina and all their matches are at a lower level than mine.
Helena matches Nina and me with modest amounts of DNA:
Helena’s maternal genealogy goes back to William Spratt:
It appears that Christopher was older than average when he had Rachel and George. It is also possible that the Jane Spratt in my tree born in or around 1830 is a daughter of Christopher Spratt or a daughter of one of his brothers.
Summary and Conclusions
- I started out looking at my somewhat easier Frazer shared matches
- By looking at shared matches, I added some names to my Frazer DNA/Genealogy Charts. Other names I could figure out where they should be approximately on those Charts
- I then looked at the more difficult Clarke side
- The name Lougheed comes up quite often. My guess is that name is associated with Jane Spratt’s (b. 1830) maternal side
- Another separate group of shared matches went back to earlier Spratts of Enniskiilen, Ireland (Fermanagh County). This line is likely the line of Jane Spratt.