In my previous Blog, I mentioned that I needed to exchange an Edward Butler ancestor on my wife’s side for another one. Now I would like to look at some of the new DNA connections based on that exchange.
Michael Vs. Henry Butler Connections
I previously noted that there were no Ancestry ThruLines for supposed ancestor Michael Butler:
However, I would not expect any. I did expect some on the Henry Butler side:
I just made the change in ancestors today and already there are four matches. These are all from the George H Butler side who was from Cincinnati.
Let’s start with Patty. She matches Lorraine by 39 cM and shows on the chart as a 3rd cousin. Ancestry shows this:
This shows that 3rd cousin is the most likely choice for this level of match. I’ll start a spreadsheet to compare the matches:
kziemann actually has a larger match than than expected, so there is only 28% chance of being the right match. Still, that is quite close to the highest likelihood:
Regina and Joey
Regina’s match comes in at 22%
Here is the rest of the chart:
The Frequency Column does not compare well. For example, for Regina and Joey, the frequency is 22%, but they are both still top choices. kziemann at 28% is a second choice (but not by much) and then only because her match is too high and not too low. My takeaway is that all these matches fit very well for my new Butler ancestor configuration.
My Butler DNA/Ancesty Chart
I currently have this chart which I now believe to be incorrect:
I need to move the right side so that Edward is George’s brother.
Here is the new chart showing the relationship between Patty on the George side and Lorraine on the Edward side:
It shows these two as third cousins. That is what they are, but it is good to check to make sure I have thre tree right.
Patty, Kim and Regina are already on the chart. I just need to add Joey:
An Extra Generation
Now that I have added in Edward Adam Butler, I get a bonus generation:
Lorraine’s ThruLines shows George Butler, father of Henry Butler. This name was provided by my most helpful Butler Genealogy friend Peter.
Here are two extra matches for Lorraine:
Here, Peter and Will are shown as half 4th cousins once removed. However, I suspect that is because the wife of George Butler above is not known. I have previously looked into the match with Will, but not the match with Peter.
This Peter is different than the genealogy friend Peter. When I click on the George Butler above, I see one tree from Peter:
Here is what Peter’s tree shows:
One interesting thing is that Peter of the DNA match above and Will are both from England. These two descend from Anastasia Butler of Wexford.
I’ll add George to my Butler DNA/Genealogy Tree:
I put Anastasia’s family on the left, though I do not know the birth order. My genealogist friend Peter made an educated guess on the George at the top and his children. However, an educated guess plus DNA matches makes for a more educated guess. The red lines and circles indicate that Peter and Will are fourth cousins once removed to Lorraine. The chart also shows the impressive amount of DNA matches to my wife’s family in support of the new family tree.
Here is my finished ThruLines Chart for my wife’s Aunt Lorraine and her sister Virginia:
Where the freqqency is on the lower side it is because the match is larger than average. I think what happens often is that there is either a match or not. When there is a match, it tends to be larger thana average.
Summary and Conclusions
- After correcting the Butler genealogy back to Ireland, I picked up some Ancestry ThruLines right away
- I added those DNA matches to my corrected Butler DNA/Genealogy Chart.
- The seven in the ThruLines amount to only about half of the total matches on the non-Edward Butler descended side of the chart. The other matches were from other testing companies or matches that didn’t have trees or linked trees and I was able to find out the genealogy.
- I was a little surprised that the ThruLines added a potential ancestor of George Butler. He would have been born in the late 1700’s. This George was added in by my researcher friend Peter.
- The ThruLines corroborate the corrected Butler ancestry on my wife’s side
- I intend to do further analysis of the Ancestry DNA in a subsequent Blog.