In my previous Blog, I started to look at Joyce’s ThruLines through Samuel Snell born 1708 and his wife Mary Head. In that Blog, the last one I added to my Snell DNA/Genealogy Chart was Jane Budd:
Next, I would like to look at the 5 descendants of Joseph Snell.
Joyce and Linda
Here is the complete proposed connection:
Unlike Jane, Linda’s DNA match is said to be on Joyce’s maternal side which is the side I match Joyce on. Here is Linda’s tree:
There appears to be some discrepancy between the Fagen and Phillips surname. I think that Fagen is a married name, so I will pursue this line. I also see that I should have been looking at the maternal side of Linda’s tree:
This seems to put me back on track. Here is the family in 1930:
Cornelius owns a plumbing business in Salinas:
I just need to get from California back to Massachusetts somehow. I am also looking for Cornelius’ mother. This is perhaps Cornelius in 1900:
He from Salinas, but his father was from Maine and mother from Massachusetts. Ancestry’s proposed parents for Cornelius are from Maine and Massachusetts, so I will take a shortcut and use those suggestions:
This article ties the family together:
According to Massachusetts Birth records, Fanny was born in East Bridgewater in 1855:
Ancestry suggests this father for Betsy Pease:
At this point, I will merge Joseph Crandall Snell with the Joseph Snell I already had in my tree:
Here is where Linda fits in on my expanding Snell DNA/Genealogy Tree:
Four More Matches from Pardon Snell
These matches are from William Henry Snell who was the likely brother of Betsey Snell Pease. However, as Ella, Grace and Elmer Snell are in white, it looks like they may already be in my Ancestry Tree. When I choose John, I see this common ancestor for John and Joyce:
This is through Joyce’s paternal side. However, Ancestry has the DNA match on the maternal side which would be the side where Joyce and I match. I also see that this ThruLine is on John’s paternal side where the Snell ThruLine is on his maternal side.
Joyce and Janice
As I mentioned above, I have these lines already in my tree. I just need to evaluate Janice’s mother. I do note some discrepancies between what Ancestry shows and Janice’s tree:
Janice has her maternal grandmother as Lillian Grace Harlow and Ancestry has her as Grace F Snell.
B.S. and Renee
Perhaps these two Joyce DNA matches will make more sense:
B.S.’s tree is showing Snell all the way be to Samuel Snell and beyond:
Further B.S. and Joyce have a shared match with John:
Renee also shows as a close match to B.S. which makes sense. I think that the Janice connection is incorrect as shown by Ancestry.
In 1930, Elmer is a chair worker in Ashburnham, Massachusetts:
Edith and Ronald are there also.
Updating the Snell DNA/Genealogy Tree
I need to add John, B.S. and Renee:
I had to shrink the tree down to get Joyce in on the bottom left.
Joyce and the Job Snell Line
For some reason I do not have a birth date for Job Snell. According to a biography of Job Snell he was born September, 1742 or 1743. Most trees have him as born September 1742, so I will use that. This line is not as well built out on my Ancestry tree:
I’ll start with K.P. She has a tree built out to Edmond Snell. From what I have read, this line moved to New York state early on. Here is Monford and family in 1920 in Mexico, NY:
Monford’s father is a painter in the automobile gas industry. I am not sure what that means. It is Wanda who I am interested in next.
Wanda is said on her marriage record to be born in Scriba to a Jennie Snell. So far, so good.
Jennie Snell is born in New Haven, NY:
Here is the family in New Haven in 1865:
Coley (should be Cooley?) is born in Oneida. From here, the records get a bit thinner. I suppose this is Edmund the father of Edmund in 1820:
This tree has the father Edmund married to a Cooley which makes sense:
And if one has a father with the same name as yours, it also makes sense to go by your middle name (Cooley). This appears to be a list of the children of Job and Ruth from Rhode Island Vital Extracts:
It does not seem that Josiah fits in well as he was born 41 years after ‘Judeth’. Next, I connect Edmund to Job in my tree:
This gets Job Snell onto my Snell DNA/Genealogy Chart:
As Job moved out of the Massachusetts area early on, it is more likely that the DNA is from his line. I thought that I had posted a portion of this great bio on Job Snell by Fred Snell at Ancestry before:
Joyce, King and Ker
Above, we see Ruby in the Rhode Island Vital Records Extracts, so we are likely on the right track. Ellsworth grew up on a farm in Minnesota:
Next, I am looking for the mother of Jason M. Harrington. Someone kindly posted the death record for Elizabeth Harrington:
Her parents on the next page are just listed as Hulbert and Hulbert. I had to accept an Ancestry tree by faith, but there was a Hulbert willl which included daughter Bestsy Hulbert and the executrix (mother/widow) as I recall.
Joyce and Ker
My hope was that Ker would fit in easily. On Ker’s tree, I recognize the surname of her paternal grandmother:
Here is Mabel:
Her husband is a commercial traveler for a candy company. Mabel’s parents were born in New York. gives some more information:
After this, I am hoping that Curtis’ mother is Elizabeth Hurlbert. It turns out I already have Curtis in my tree:
If I merge the two Curtises, I should be all set.
Finally, Joyce and Skylar
Skylar’s tree goes back to Samuel Snell and beyond. However, the linked tree is ambiguous:
The main person in the tree appears as a male. That means that Skylar may be the daughter. Due to the confusion, I’ll skip this match.
Back to the Snell DNA/Genealogy Tree
I’ll just add King and Ker:
My Father’s Other Cousin: MM
Maurey’s ThruLines are similar to Joyce’s. Here are the ones under Job:
Interestingly, there are three different matches. I do notice the Hulbert or Hurlburt name under Ruby Snell. The other interesting thing is that Maurey matches C.W. by DNA on the side that doesn’t match me:
So, as usual, it can get tricky. Maury matches me on his maternal side.
Summary and Conclusions
- Because Joyce is a generation earlier than I am, I am able to find Snell relatives that match by DNA going back to Samuel Snell born 1708 in Tiverton, Rhode Island and Mary Head.
- It takes some time to verify these DNA relatives. Some have closer matches on other lines, which means that the DNA match could represent that closer line
- Sometimes the ThruLines appear to be incorrect.
- In many cases, the genealogical evidence is scarce and the DNA matches tend to support that there is a connection
- It is possible to use Shared Matches to help prove or prove some of the connections.