I manage my wife’s mother’s DNA kit and my wife’s mother’s sister’s DNA kit. Their names are Joan and Elaine. I was looking at Elaine’s DNA this morning.
Ellis Line Match with Joseph
The match I found for Elaine this morning was with Joseph. He is a good match because he is on Gedmatch and Ancestry. He also has trees on Ancestry and Gedmatch. Using DNA Painter, I added Joseph’s match to Elaines DNA Map:
Joseph matches Elaine on Chromosomes 7 and 14. The match appears to go back to 1775. Here is how Elaine and Joseph connect:
Elaine and Joseph show as 4th cousins going back to 1775. Ancestry also has this highly unlikely scenario:
Joseph has a smaller match with my mother-in-law Joan. They only match on Chromosome 7. I’ll add that match in:
Here Joseph in orange is bumping into Debbie in green. That could mean that I have some of the genealogy wrong. I can’t find the Debbie’s DNA match anymore, so that doesn’t help.
Elaine’s DNA Map makes more sense:
Here we see the split between Rayner and Hopgood:
Elaine’s great-grandfather is Abraham Rayner and her great-grandmother is Henrietta Hopgood.
A Rhynold Match with Stuart at MyHeritage
MyHeritage shows this Theory of Relativity between Joan and Stuart:
Rhynold is on Joan’s maternal side. Here is what DNA Painter has to say:
They are finding DNA overlap with other ancestors, so is this really Rhynold DNA? I’m curious, so I’ll try painting him in.
There is no overlap on Chromosomes 7 and 20 and only a minimal overlap on Chromosome 1, so I think that we have the right common ancestors.
I had already painted Stuart onto Elaines Chromosomes 7, 9 and 20. Elaine doesn’t match Stuart on Chromosome 1, because she has larger Upshall matches on that Chromosome:
Rynault is on the Daley side:
James Robert Theory of Relativity: Ellis/MacArthur
Joan and James Robert show as third cousins:
I’ll paint James Robert in to see if that makes sense. Here is how I painted James Robert in to Joan’s map:
James Robert is the orange match on Chromosomes 1, 2, and 5. The reason is that there are two entries for James Ellis born 1801 is that James had two wives. His first wife was Jane Ramsay. However, Joan descends from the second wife who was Marion MacArthur. In some cases, the DNA match is just with James Ellis, in other cases, it is with James and his wife Marion MacArthur.
Next, I’ll paint James Robert onto Elaine’s map. She already has an Ellis/MacArthur entry:
For some reason, there was not any overlap between Elaine’s DNA matches with James Robert and Robert who I show as also descending from James Ellis and Marion MacArthur.
Painting MacArthur/MacDougall
MG has a double Theory of Relativity with Elaine. However, MacArthur/MacDougall is the closer relationship:
The other common ancestor is with James Yeo, but is a half 5th cousin relationship. Let’s paint Elaine’s DNA match with MG to see what happens. When I go to paint MG, I get this message:
That actually makes sense because Marion would be a daughter or Malcolm MacArthur:
MacArthur/MacDougall is painted in in maroon in Chromosomes 4, 17, 18 and 19. This gets Elaine up to 20% painted on her paternal side. Chromosome 19 is where the small overalp occurs:
I also reorganized the key so it makes more sense. MacArthur is on the Ellis side.
For Joan, I already had a listing for MacArthur/MacDougall:
Elaine’s match with Barry and MG overlap on Chromosome 4. I assume that would be considered triangulation:
MyHeritage shows triangulation by circled segments.
Edna on the Dicks Line
Edna fits in well with my Dicks DNA Project:
Edna also has this Theory of Relativity:
I’m not as sure that this is right. Here is the DNA tree I have:
I added Edna in under the left circle. HereI have painted Edna on to Joan’s DNA Map:
Edna has good overlap with other Christopher Dicks descendants. I think that Henry Dicks is from a more distant line. There is also overlap on Chromosome 21:
Edna overaps with Joan’s Aunt Esther. Esther overlaps with a more recent Dicks Line. So while Edna adds no new Dicks DNA to Joan’s map, this exercise places Edna within the DNA framework I have for Christopher Dicks born 1784 and his wife Margaret.
For some reason, I could not find Edna on Elaine’s MyHeritage match list.
Nat’s Theory on the Ellis Side
Nat has three Theories of Relativity with Elaine at MyHeritage. Here is the closest:
Theory two is similar to Theory one but involves a 4th cousin once removed. Theory three is more distant on the MacDougall side.
Here we have a problem on Chromosome 6:
Hopgood (yellow) and Ellis (blue) should not be sharing the same space on the Paternal side of Chromosome 6. That means that there is a problem with the genealogy or some mixing of lines. I see that Jo-Ann has three Theories of Relativity. Here is Theory Three:
Turns out that Jo-Ann’s Chromosome 6 match with Elaine is most likely on the Ellis/Tawton side. I can fix this in DNA Painter:
Unfortunatley, that changed all of Jo-Ann’s matches. Here is the screen I should have used:
This is what I had wanted:
After checking chromosomes, I found another issue:
Jo-ann is bumping into Robert on Chromosome 4. I’m in deep on this one. I’ll assume that Robert has no Hopgood ancestry and change this segment also.
I hope that Jo-ann doesn’t mind me messing around with her DNA!
Next, I paint Nat onto Joan’s map:
Nat and Joan only match on Chromosome 6. Here I need to switch Jo-ann from Hopgood to Ellis like I did above:
That looks better. The three yellow segments now match up.
AutoClusters at Gedmatch
Here are Joan’s AutoClusters at Gedmatch between 35 and 250 cM:
This is how I see Joan’s matches shaking out. What about the clusters inbetween the two connected sets of clusters? Green Cluster 8 has someone with Guysborough, Nova Scotia ancestry. That is likely on Joan’s Daley side, but I was not able to match up the genealogy.
Elaine’s AutoClusters
Elaine, as may be expected has a similar profile to her sister Joan between the levels of 35 and 250 cM.
The configuration is inverted for Elaine. Her Newfoundland cluster group is in the top left and her PEI cluster group is in the bottom right. Elaine has four clusters in the middle compared to Joan’s three. My guess is that all or most of these clusters could be on the Daley side.
Barry is in blue Cluster 9. He appears to have PEI ancestry.
This shows Barry’s connection to Joan but the connection to Elaine would be the same.
Tammy is in brown Cluster 10. She has Rhynold in her tree. Tammy’s tree goes back a bit further than what I have.
Tammy’s maternal side goes back to Johann Rheinhold:
He apparently married Ann Lowry and had Tammy’s ancestor John Gleason Rhynold and Frederick born 1792 who was my wife’s ancestor. Tammy has Johann Capar Rheinhold born in Frankfurt and marrying in Cornwall, then settling in Guysborough, Nova Scotia.
I can add this couple to my wife’s family tree. I’ll add Tammy to DNA Painter:
Tammy is right below Stuart mentioned earlier in the Blog. Actually, the four in Cluster 10 are probably all closely related.
Cluster 11 has Susan. She has PEI MacArthur ancestry.
Summary and Conclusions
- I started updating the four grandparents of my mother-in-law. They are Ellis and Rayner from PEI. Also Upshall from Newfoundland and Daley from Nova Scotia.
- One easy way to update DNA matches is through MyHeritage’s Theories of Relativity. I like to use DNA Painter to map out those DNA matches.
- I also used Gedmatch AutoClusters. In this case, it was easy to pick out the large amount of Newfoundland matches as well as the PEI matches. There are not many Daley side matches.
- It was possible to connect many of the Ancestry uploaded Gedmatches to their Ancestry profiles to check on family trees.
- I found a new connection to Germany through the Rheinhold line connected with the Ellis’ Dale side. Johann Caspar Rheinhold apparently was born in the area of Frankfort, married in England and moved to Guysborough, Nova Scotia. I have not tried to confirm the genealogy, but it is in several trees and the match by DNA supports or confirms those trees. This surname was later changed to Rhynold and Rynault
- In using DNA Painter, it is possible to sort out the DNA matches where there is more than one possible pair of common ancestors that the DNA may have come from.
- DNA Painter also points out that the DNA matches are not evenly distributed by the four grandparents. There were very few matches shown on the Daley side at the match levels chosen. Most matches were on the Upshall side.
- I didn’t break down the clusters between Ellis and Rayner, but I think that there are more Ellis matches than Rayner matches as there were many large Ellis families.